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by Josh McIntyre

Raleigh, NC - Nearly 50 concerned citizens attended "Guantánamo Bay: Beyond the Law's Reach?" a Nov. 14 event aimed at once to:

  • Raise funds for the costs associated with three NC attorneys' volunteer efforts to represent Sharifullah, and other Guantánamo detainees; and
  • To educate the community about the plight and human condition of Sharifullah and other detainees.


The event featured No More Guantánamos founder, Nancy Talanian; Frank Goldsmith, and Robert Elliot.

Goldsmith and Elliot explained the extreme obstacles the U.S. government has erected to prevent effective advocacy as well as familiarizing the audience with detainees' routes to Guantánamo, paved by bounty hunters and ill-gotten intelligence.

Talanian presented compelling witness of No More Guantánamos' recent victory in Amherst as a beacon of hope for turning adversaries into allies.

About $1,800 was raised in support of the attorneys' efforts, which is less than a drop in the bucket compared with more than $50,000 they've devoted to this advocacy.

Should you wish to contribute, please send a check payable to:

EPM Civil Rights Fund, Inc.
426 Old Salem Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
