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Since we founded the Guantanamo Survivors Fund in April 2022, our team of volunteers has:

  • Raised more than $100,000 from donors in the US and around the world to help survivors
  • Interviewed and provided support grants to 39 survivors in need
  • Distributed or approved grants to provide:
    • Six months’ rent, utilities, medicine, and other basic necessities for several survivors and their families
    • A prosthetic leg for one amputee and new prosthetic supplies for another
    • Dialysis treatments for a survivor living with kidney failure
    • Down payment for a used car so a disabled survivor unable to manage his heavy workload and schedule can open a small taxi service instead
    • Travel assistance and medical costs for eye surgery to prevent a survivor from losing his sight
    • Partial funding for the purchase of a small apartment for a survivor’s widow and three young children
    • Rent, food, and medical expenses for several survivors who are too ill to work

We have just begun, as many Guantanamo survivors still need our help.  We will continue interviewing survivors in need and providing grants to meet their needs on a rolling basis, as donations become available.

The small grants we've been able to provide mean a lot to former Guantanamo prisoners who suffered for so many years in prison only to find themselves on their own after their transfer. Please help us continue providing assistance to former Guantanamo prisoners with your donation to the Guantanamo Survivors Fund to show the men and their families they are not alone.