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Mount Toby Monthly Meeting of Friends


194 Long Plain Road, Leverett, MA 01054-9507
(413) 548-9188


April 12, 2010


Mr. Gary Gruber, Moderator
Town of Leverett
Leverett Town Hall
Leverett, MA 01054
Dear Moderator Gruber,
Mount Toby Monthly Meeting of Friends, at its Monthly Meeting for Business on April 11, 2010, undertook consideration and discernment on a statement in support of the “Resolution by the Town of Leverett, MA. to Assist in the Safe Resettlement of Cleared Guantanamo Detainees”.
We came to unity on the following statement:
Mount Toby Friends approve the Leverett resolution urging Congress to repeal the ban on releasing cleared detainees into the United States and welcoming such cleared detainees into Leverett as soon as the ban is lifted.
I have been instructed, as Clerk of Mount Toby Friends Meeting, to forward this statement of support to the Leverett Town Moderator, and to ask that this support be recorded in the Leverett Town Meeting’s discussion of the Resolution.
Mount Toby Friends meeting has, for over 40 years, been located in Leverett, at 194 Long Plain Road. We have over 150 members and regular attenders, many of whom reside in Leverett.
Donald E Stone, Clerk
Mount Toby Friends Meeting