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Bruce Miller, President

Bruce Miller is a professor of law at Western New England College, where he teaches constitutional law and other public law subjects.  His public service work includes serving on the Boards of Directors of the Rosenberg Fund for Children and the Pioneer Valley HIV-AIDS Consortium and on the Advisory Board of the Western Massachusetts ACLU.

Paki Wieland, Treasurer

Paki Wieland is an elder peace and justice maker, radio host, and filmmaker who participates in creative endeavors and acts of civil resistance within the United States and Internationally. Her work has brought her to Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, India, Gaza, the Rafah, Egypt, border to Gaza, and Cairo Egypt.  She is active in CODEPINK.

In Western Mass., Paki works with the Northampton Committee to Stop Wars, the American Friends Service Committee of Western Mass., the Raging Grannies, and Springfield No One Leaves as well as No More Guantanamos.  She co-hosts two community radio programs and creates videos of local protests for Northampton community Television. 

Between 1986 and 2004, Paki engaged in clinical social work.  For 15 of those years, she taught in the Family Therapy Program at Antioch New England University's Department of Applied Psychology.

Nancy Talanian, Secretary

Sherrill Hogen

Sherrill Hogen is a retired social worker and long-time political activist.  Of major concern to her is the use of torture by anyone anywhere, as it dehumanizes both victim and perpetrator.  The prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba crystalizes issues of the harm and injustice involved with war, when the powerful are addicted to the use of force and cannot see how they are destroying human and planetary life.

Beth Jacob

Ellen Kaufmann

Dan Norland

Helen Schietinger