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No More Guantánamos urges its readers who can travel to Washington, DC, on January 11, 2012, to join us in observing the tenth anniversary of the illegal prison at Guantánamo Bay. The demonstration, sponsored by a broad coalition of organizations including NMG, will begin with a noon rally at Lafayette Square. Organizers are calling for more than 2,000 demonstrators in orange jumpsuits, representing prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Bagram, and secret prisons, to form a human chain extending from the White House to the Capitol.

If you will take part in the Washington demonstration, please sign up with Amnesty International USA here:

Download the 31-page Solidarity Action Guide, full of ideas you can follow at home or in your community.

You can help promote the anniversary demonstration through Facebook and Twitter. Download half-sheet and full-sheet flyers here.