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Join National Call for Action on Senate CIA Torture Report

Today (Wednesday, February 25), please join us in calling on President Obama and Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, to Stop Whitewashing the Senate Torture Report.

No More Guantanamos is pleased to support a day of action organized by North Carolina Stop Torture Now (

Tomorrow, please Call, Email or Tweet President Obama (or all three!)

Tell your Senators to support NDAA provisions that will help close Guantanamo

This week, the Senate is expected to vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2014. As you know, President Obama has blamed NDAA provisions from past years for preventing his closure of Guantanamo Bay prison.  Please call your Senators today or tomorrow (Tuesday) and tell them to vote for S. 1197, the version passed by the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) last summer.  (Find your senators contact information here: