Support Survivors

Your contribution directly helps men trying to rebuild their lives after years of unjust detention and torture.

Painting in blues and reds showingthe top of a chain link fence that is appearing to gradually morph into a flock of birds releasing into the sky
Artwork by Sabri Al Qurashi

Whether Guantanamo torture survivors return home or are resettled elsewhere, most face significant hurdles to resuming a normal life.

Your donation helps the Guantanamo Survivors Fund provide short-term support for survivors’ most urgent needs such as medical care, rent and food, and other vital necessities.

A pastel illustration of a dark cloudy sky over a horizon line and reflection. The sky is lighter to the left and darker blue to the right with a black cloud in the middle.
Artwork by Mansoor Adayfi

“The Fund is very important because we have been imprisoned for a very long time. We were released from prison with medical and psychological problems, and we had lost many of the skills that would enable us to work. Also, we are old now and don’t have time to learn new skills. There is not much time left for us to build our future and fulfill our aspirations for ourselves. For this, we need help and a humanitarian stand from all interested in our cause.”

The Guantanamo Survivors Fund is a 501(c)(3) charity.