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Guantánamo Eight Years On

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Nancy Talanian

After the attempted bombing aboard a U.S. plane on December 25th, politicians from both sides of the aisle lost no time in publicly questioning President Obama’s plan to close Guantánamo Bay prison, to repatriate any of the 90 remaining Yemeni prisoners, or both. Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and Susan Collins; Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman; Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein; and several House members are among those who have thus far expressed their discomfort with some or all of the president’s closure plans.

Message to Congress from National Security and Terrorism Experts 7/10/2009

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On July 10, 2009, two dozen experts in national security and terrorism sent a message to Congress urging them to enhance our national security by permitting the administration to try terrorism suspects held at Guantánamo Bay prison in U.S. courts and to release some cleared detainee into U.S. communities.

Read the message (PDF).


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Here are some suggestions for making videos for your campaign on behalf of a prisoner and some examples of videos that have already been made.