Leverett (MA) Town Meeting Approves Resolution to Welcome Cleared Guantánamo Detainees
WHEREAS, President Obama had vowed to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay Naval Base by January 2010; and
WHEREAS, many detainees at Guantánamo have been cleared by our government of wrongdoing and have been determined to pose no threat to the United States; and
WHEREAS, many of these detainees cannot be repatriated because they are either stateless or fear the harm awaiting them if returned to their home country; and
This video features contains highlights a forum held at the Leverett Library to support a resolution that Leverett voters will consider at their Town Meeting on Saturday, April 24. Speakers are Beth Adams, lead sponsor; and attorneys William Newman, Carol Gray, and Buz Eisenberg. Ernest Urvater produced the video with sound recording assistance from Paki Wieland.
Greetings from London. I wish I could be here with you this evening, simply to say thank you for caring about some of the victims of the criminally misguided policies launched by the Bush administration in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The resolution passed in Amherst last November – adopting two prisoners from Guantánamo, and asking Congress to overturn its ban on bringing cleared prisoners from Guantánamo to live on the US mainland – was enormously significant, as it showed that ordinary Americans were prepared to take a stand.